Celebrity Wellness Chef
SHARING ALL my secrets
If you’re into Eating to Thrive, Boosting your Mood, Microdosing for Anxiety, Hormone balance over 35, High Vibe living and Creating a Holistic Home Sanctuary to do it all in …
Keep on reading sis, I’m so glad you’re here.
Blog Title Here
Kalesalad cleansing gojiberries continuum essential gaiatheearthmother bethechange spiritual psilocybin crystalessence stevia.
MicroDOSING for Moms
My experience with fungi and how I believe they are some of the best functional plant medicines for mood, focus and harnessing creativity.
Eat Well. Be Well. Live Well.
Eat Well. Be Well. Live Well.

CITRUS & PROSCIUTTO with bitter greens
This said does it all. It’s bright, bitter, salty, fatty and citrusy. Not too mention the color pops on any table. Pair with a Dry White and you’re all set.

BOOST YOUR MOOD Simple Daily Habits
Daily habits inspired by The Laws of Attraction that will turn that frown upside down.

Detoxing your personal sanctuary is just as important as your body and toxins can lurk in the widest of places and over burden your system as you are trying to heal from within.

GET WILD OVER ancestral salmon dinner recipe
Easy and delicious weeknight dinner recipe. Inspired by the Ancestral way of eating. Wild salmon boasts a laundry list of health perks and the fresh herbs make this one pot dish bust with flavor.

The Ancestral Diet: A Return to Nature for Optimal Health
The full scoop on the Ancestral Diet. A back to nature approach for eating well.

Greek Lemon Chicken Soup
Bodyworker rediscovery visualizationpractices fiverhythms dakini newparadigm lifecoach ancientspiritualtraditions, clarity gluten-free perineum crystalhealing naturalhomebirth Esalen gemini, soul-levelcontract morphicresonance BigSur cosmic mendocino floattank.

One of my favorite meals for a balmy summer night. Fresh roasted fish, served Al Fresco with mixed greens and a crisp rose

Feeling a little down? Head on over to your pantry for these simple and common ingredients that can put a little pep in your step.